On Thu, 22 Jul 2010 10:32:37 -0400
"Eric A. Hall" <eh...@ntrg.com> wrote:

> Sometimes the AWL rule doesn't appear in the list. From looking at the
> behavior it seems that the rule is only guaranteed to fire if the
> stored score for the tuple is significantly different than the
> message score, or if the stored tuple has a very high stored score.
> But if the stored score and message score are close and the stored
> tuple does not have a large score, then the rule will not fire.
> I assume the above reflects the logic for when to adjust the score,
> rather than reflecting when the tuple was matched. But the plugin
> text and code all talk about the rule firing on match, not when
> corrective scoring occurred.

I don't recall seeing anything like that. Are sure it's not due to the
IP address changing or AWL being short-circuited?

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