Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

>  From a legal perspective I will point out that any e-mail you
> receive is (at least in the US, but most other countries too)
> considered copyrighted by the sender.  Under copyright law the
> sender has the right to control expiration of content they create,
> the movie houses are doing this with digital copies that are
> time-limited and included with blue-ray disc purchases.  Thus if
> a corporation suddenly has e-mail disappearing from it's servers
> due to expiration dates inserted by the e-mail creator they are
> absolutely protected from a legal point of view - because of the
> demands of copyright law.

I guess this means places like gmane.org and marc.info are in gross
violation of all kinds of copyrights.  As well as anyone keeping
email-archives (e.g. for legals reasons).

Regardless, copyright is not the same everywhere.  Far from it. The
Urheberrecht in e.g. Germany and Switzerland is quite different.  I
doubt if anyone here would be able to claim Urheberrecht for an email. 

/Per Jessen, Zürich

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