On 03/01/2011 04:13 PM, Jari Fredriksson wrote:
> On 1.3.2011 0:06, Matt wrote:
>>> Looking at top 8 newest messages from my personnel email account:
>>> [Spammy subjects deleted]
>> None of them are SPAM.  If I wanted to unsubscribe from them I would.
>> Its just if I do not read them within 30 days why keep them.
> I want to keep those for 3 months for SpamAssassin auto-mass-check
> corpus. That is a decision by me, not the sender.
> My script will automatically delete them when they reach the desired age.
Some more points of view:

If someone sends me an Email, then its kept according to my policy, not
theirs.  If they did not wish to adhere to my policy then they should
have contacted me before they send the particular Email to me.  

Next, someone will ask for a X-Do-Not-Delete-Before-Date: header. 
Whatever next!


    I won't accept your confidentiality
    agreement, and your Emails are kept.

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