
I run Slackware 12.1 that ships with Perl 5.8.8.  When I run the
commands listed in the INSTALL document, the tests fail (and therefore,
Spamassassin won't install).  I don't know if these are known failures.

The commands I run are:

        perl -MCPAN -e shell                    [as root]
        o conf prerequisites_policy ask
        install Mail::SpamAssassin

The output I get from the failed test follows my signature.  Any help
would be greatly appreciated.



t/spamc_optC.t .................... 1/9         Not found: reported spam
= Message successfully reported/revoked at t/spamc_optC.t line 21.
# Failed test 2 in t/SATest.pm at line 717
Output can be examined in: log/d.spamc_optC/out.1
        Not found: revoked ham = Message successfully reported/revoked
at t/spamc_optC.t line 26.
# Failed test 4 in t/SATest.pm at line 717 fail #2
Output can be examined in: log/d.spamc_optC/out.1 log/d.spamc_optC/out.3
        Not found: failed to report spam = Unable to report/revoke
message at t/spamc_optC.t line 35.
# Failed test 6 in t/SATest.pm at line 717 fail #3
Output can be examined in: log/d.spamc_optC/out.1 log/d.spamc_optC/out.3
        Not found: failed to revoke ham = Unable to report/revoke
message at t/spamc_optC.t line 40.
# Failed test 8 in t/SATest.pm at line 717 fail #4
Output can be examined in: log/d.spamc_optC/out.1 log/d.spamc_optC/out.3
log/d.spamc_optC/out.5 log/d.spamc_optC/out.7
t/spamc_optC.t .................... Failed 4/9 subtests
t/spamc_optL.t .................... 1/16 # Failed test 1 in
t/spamc_optL.t at line 20
        Not found: learned spam = Message successfully un/learned at
t/spamc_optL.t line 21.
# Failed test 2 in t/SATest.pm at line 717
t/spamc_optL.t .................... 3/16 # Failed test 3 in
t/spamc_optL.t at line 24
        Not found: already learned spam = Message was already un/learned
at t/spamc_optL.t line 25.
# Failed test 4 in t/SATest.pm at line 717 fail #2
ERROR: Bayes dump returned an error, please re-run with -D for more
t/spamc_optL.t .................... 5/16 # Failed test 5 in
t/spamc_optL.t at line 28
        Not found: spam in database = 1 0  non-token data: nspam at
t/spamc_optL.t line 29.
# Failed test 6 in t/SATest.pm at line 717 fail #3
t/spamc_optL.t .................... 7/16 # Failed test 7 in
t/spamc_optL.t at line 32
        Not found: forget spam = Message successfully un/learned at
t/spamc_optL.t line 33.
# Failed test 8 in t/SATest.pm at line 717 fail #4
t/spamc_optL.t .................... 9/16 # Failed test 9 in
t/spamc_optL.t at line 36
        Not found: learned ham = Message successfully un/learned at
t/spamc_optL.t line 37.
# Failed test 10 in t/SATest.pm at line 717 fail #5
t/spamc_optL.t .................... 11/16 # Failed test 11 in
t/spamc_optL.t at line 40
        Not found: already learned ham = Message was already un/learned
at t/spamc_optL.t line 41.
# Failed test 12 in t/SATest.pm at line 717 fail #6
ERROR: Bayes dump returned an error, please re-run with -D for more
t/spamc_optL.t .................... 13/16 # Failed test 13 in
t/spamc_optL.t at line 44
        Not found: ham in database = 1 0  non-token data: nham at
t/spamc_optL.t line 45.
# Failed test 14 in t/SATest.pm at line 717 fail #7
t/spamc_optL.t .................... 15/16 # Failed test 15 in
t/spamc_optL.t at line 48
        Not found: learned ham = Message successfully un/learned at
t/spamc_optL.t line 49.
# Failed test 16 in t/SATest.pm at line 717 fail #8
t/spamc_optL.t .................... Failed 16/16 subtests
t/spamc_x_e.t ..................... ok
t/spamc_x_E_R.t ................... skipped: (no reason given)
t/spamc_y.t ....................... ok
t/spamc_z.t ....................... ok
t/spamd.t ......................... ok
t/spamd_allow_user_rules.t ........ ok
t/spamd_client.t .................. skipped: (no reason given)
t/spamd_hup.t ..................... skipped: (no reason given)
t/spamd_kill_restart.t ............ skipped: (no reason given)
t/spamd_kill_restart_rr.t ......... skipped: (no reason given)
t/spamd_ldap.t .................... skipped: (no reason given)
t/spamd_maxchildren.t ............. ok
t/spamd_maxsize.t ................. skipped: (no reason given)
t/spamd_parallel.t ................ ok
t/spamd_plugin.t .................. skipped: (no reason given)
t/spamd_port.t .................... ok
t/spamd_prefork_stress.t .......... skipped: (no reason given)
t/spamd_prefork_stress_2.t ........ skipped: (no reason given)
t/spamd_prefork_stress_3.t ........ skipped: (no reason given)
t/spamd_prefork_stress_4.t ........ skipped: (no reason given)
t/spamd_protocol_10.t ............. ok
t/spamd_report.t .................. ok
t/spamd_report_ifspam.t ........... ok
t/spamd_sql_prefs.t ............... skipped: (no reason given)
t/spamd_ssl.t ..................... skipped: (no reason given)
t/spamd_ssl_accept_fail.t ......... skipped: (no reason given)
t/spamd_ssl_tls.t ................. skipped: (no reason given)
t/spamd_ssl_v2.t .................. skipped: (no reason given)
t/spamd_ssl_v23.t ................. skipped: (no reason given)
t/spamd_ssl_v3.t .................. skipped: (no reason given)
t/spamd_stop.t .................... ok
t/spamd_symbols.t ................. ok
t/spamd_syslog.t .................. ok
t/spamd_unix.t .................... ok
t/spamd_unix_and_tcp.t ............ ok
t/spamd_user_rules_leak.t ......... ok
t/spamd_utf8.t .................... ok
t/spamd_whitelist_leak.t .......... ok
t/spf.t ........................... skipped: (no reason given)
t/sql_based_whitelist.t ........... skipped: (no reason given)
t/stop_always_matching_regexps.t .. ok
t/strip2.t ........................ skipped: (no reason given)
t/strip_no_subject.t .............. skipped: (no reason given)
t/stripmarkup.t ................... ok
t/tainted_msg.t ................... ok
t/text_bad_ctype.t ................ ok
t/timeout.t ....................... ok
t/trust_path.t .................... skipped: (no reason given)
t/uri.t ........................... ok
t/uri_html.t ...................... ok
t/uri_text.t ...................... ok
t/uribl.t ......................... skipped: (no reason given)
t/uribl_all_types.t ............... skipped: (no reason given)
t/uribl_domains_only.t ............ skipped: (no reason given)
t/uribl_ips_only.t ................ skipped: (no reason given)
t/utf8.t .......................... ok
t/util_wrap.t ..................... ok
t/whitelist_addrs.t ............... skipped: (no reason given)
t/whitelist_from.t ................ skipped: (no reason given)
t/whitelist_subject.t ............. ok
t/whitelist_to.t .................. ok
t/zz_cleanup.t .................... ok
Test Summary Report
t/spamc_optC.t                  (Wstat: 0 Tests: 9 Failed: 4)
  Failed tests:  2, 4, 6, 8
t/spamc_optL.t                  (Wstat: 0 Tests: 16 Failed: 16)
  Failed tests:  1-16
Files=163, Tests=1985, 473 wallclock secs ( 5.17 usr  1.20 sys + 245.99
cusr 25.36 csys = 277.72 CPU)
Result: FAIL
Failed 2/163 test programs. 20/1985 subtests failed.
make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 255
  /usr/bin/make test -- NOT OK
//hint// to see the cpan-testers results for installing this module, try:
  reports JMASON/Mail-SpamAssassin-3.3.1.tar.gz
Running make install
  make test had returned bad status, won't install without force
Failed during this command:
 JMASON/Mail-SpamAssassin-3.3.1.tar.gz        : make_test NO

cpan[3]> q

Lockfile removed.

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