Am 09.09.2011 17:20, schrieb Matus UHLAR - fantomas:
due to many spam problems (outbreaks) in history, we check for
spamminess on outgoing mail servers.

However there are rules that should not apply on them.
- Dynamic/blacklist (except URIBL) checks
I can avoid these by defining local server to msa_networks

I'm sure I have to turn this off, does it also apply to dependencies?
What about !ALL_TRUSTED dependencies?

- SPF checks
While we should reject/quarantine e-mail that does not match SPF, it
should not apply to domains we are designed to send mail for .
(SPF records include us)

... any other ideas?

On 09.09.11 20:17, Robert Schetterer wrote:
try using clamav-milter with sanesecurity antispam signatures
this should avoid a lot of outgoing spam

Maybe, but this is not what I have asked for, and it won't help me a bit resolving my problem, sorry.
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, ;
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