On Tue, 2011-10-18 at 17:27 -0500, David B Funk wrote:

> So if you black-list those hosts you are generating FPs on any legit mails 
> that link to those sites. Would you black-list google.com because 
> somebody puts 'phish' forms in a google-docs spread-sheet and then

Absolutely yes, size doesn't matter.

Google has been blocked here 6 times in total, Yahoo 9 times, Hotmail 3
times... avg block duration 30 days
(Its one thing I'll give  Microsoft credit for, they do more than just
auto-responders with spammers and idiots, they actually do the walk as
well as the talk, *unlike* google)

Why do people assume because someone's "big"  it's taboo to block them,
jesus H C , come out of your shell, how you do think other "big" players
of yesteryear, eg AOL, twtelecom, comcast... eventually changed their

> Most reputable RBLs want to avoid FPs and thus are reluctant to list such 
> sites.

therein lies the problem .. its also why I rate spamhaus last in our
tests, because they as good as give in to the likes of google, saying
they would never block them, IIRC it was brought up on this list not too
long ago.

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