If you go back, I and many others have complained about the 'pay to spam' rules currently in SpamAssassin.

Some of these, like linked in, are blatant violations of US federal CAN Spam laws. Last time I got a spam from linked in, they insisted: (the company that certified them, and took money to let them spam), insisted:
A) that somehow _I_ was at fault (you must have signed up)
B) that it was my responsibility to unsubscribe (Sorry, you have to sign up, and agree to their terms, which allow them to spam you, this was the only way to unsubscribe)

Well, today, at least they have a link in their spam that lets you unsubscribe without joining linked in. However, they still don't have a full physical address of the sender in their emails.

This email was sent to an email address used for technical mailing lists (I am on the development team for FreeBSD/) and, or harvested from a web site that archives emails (again, either of these is a violation of federal can spam laws)

Why bring this up? I want SA to disable all these pay to spam rules as defaults. I have brought this up with linked in, and the 'spam for hire' company that sends these, and all I get is the runaround.

if this rule is truly CERTIFIED not to spam, then they had better review us federal laws, and make this company conform.
(even pastebin thought this was spam and made me type in chars to prove I wasn't a robot/zombot)

Michael Scheidell, CTO
o: 561-999-5000
d: 561-948-2259
>*| *SECNAP Network Security Corporation

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This email has been scanned and certified safe by SpammerTrap(r). For Information please see http://www.spammertrap.com/ ______________________________________________________________________

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