Martin Gregorie wrote:
> On Tue, 2012-04-24 at 14:25 +0100, RW wrote:
>> On Mon, 23 Apr 2012 01:20:13 -0300
>> xTrade Assessory wrote:
>>> no serious bank, as any other serious company, would ever send out
>>> emails asking for user details
>>> the user who believes that, is or incredible ingenious or incredible
>>> stupid, so: happy clicking
>> I don't think it's all that stupid given that many banks and other
>> companies do more or less the same thing when they phone their
>> customers. 
> That merely shows that stupidity is extremely widespread: other outfits
> being lax about security doesn't give the banks a free pass. And, what
> about companies who confirm an account sign-up by sending a single plain
> text e-mail containing the name of the company, your login name and your
> password? Or the multitude that use your e-mail address as the login
> name?
> But back to banking? In the UK, anyway, you don't need to be either
> intelligent or have any industry qualifications to run a bank. Back in
> 2007 or thereabouts a quiz master asked what was the difference
> between: 
> - the CEO who bankrupted the Northern Rock Building Society
> - the CEO who bankrupted the Royal Bank of Scotland
> - the boss of Barclays (I think - might have been the Co-OP Bank)
> - Terry Wogan, who was a well-known radio presenter at the time. 
> The answer was that the only one of them with any banking qualifications
> was Terry Wogan.

media jokes certainly are not a good base for classification :)

> My bank says up front and in writing that they will never ask for
> account or login details by e-mail. I suggest moving your account away
> from any bank that doesn't have the same policy and stick to it. Make
> sure you tell them why you're leaving, though.

I'm getting really curious because some of you insist

I can not believe that there is somewhere a bank passing/asking
credentials by email, I never saw it and I know about internal bank
policies which do not permit *any* kind of email contact with clients


XTrade Assessory
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