On Tue, 2012-12-04 at 07:02 -0500, David F. Skoll wrote:
> On Tue, 04 Dec 2012 11:12:54 +0100
> "Andrzej A. Filip" <andrzej.fi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Have you tried/considered scoring based on "headers only"?
Does anybody have statistics on the type and number of components in
messages that exceed the scan size limit? What about information on how
the various components contribute to the score?

It occurs to me that, if we knew these stats, it could be fairly simple
for spamc to selectively remove parts that don't contribute to the
score, retain a fragment of some that do, e.g. all you need from an
image are the MIME headers (because we have useful rules that compare
the content type with the file name) and, possibly, the image's header
bytes (for rules that compare the file name with its content). Spamc
would then send the shortened message to spamd for scanning, receive the
SA headers back, and insert them in the original message (which it must
retain) before passing it on.

Is there an ANSI C MIME encode/decode library that could be bolted onto
spamc? I can't find one, though there are a number of OSS C++ libraries,
so spamc might need rewriting to use them.


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