In the past I asked this question, but I was told that it was because
of my own rules. I never defined my own rules, So I try the question

I have the following script to update SpamAssassin:
    #!/usr/bin/env bash

    declare -r GREP_REGEX='not installed\|warning'
    declare -r LOG_FILE='sa-update.log'

    declare PID
    declare retVal

    sa-update -D 2>${LOG_FILE}
    case ${retVal} in
        echo "Updated SpamAssassin rules"
        /etc/init.d/spamd reload
        echo "There where no updates for SpamAssassin rules"
        echo "There are updates, but lint check failed"
        echo "Unknown error"
        echo "Error while trying to download SpamAssasin rules"
    grep "${GREP_REGEX}" ${LOG_FILE}

When the rules are updated, I get something like:
    Updated SpamAssassin rules
    Reload service spamd ..done

    Dec 26 03:04:13.110 [17074] dbg: config: warning: score set for 
non-existent rule RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_H4
    Dec 26 03:04:13.111 [17074] dbg: config: warning: score set for 
non-existent rule RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_WL
    Dec 26 03:04:13.111 [17074] dbg: config: warning: score set for 
non-existent rule HK_NAME_FM_MR_MRS
    Dec 26 03:04:13.111 [17074] dbg: config: warning: score set for 
non-existent rule RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_L5
    Dec 26 03:04:13.111 [17074] dbg: config: warning: score set for 
non-existent rule RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_H3
    Dec 26 03:04:13.118 [17074] dbg: config: warning: score set for 
non-existent rule RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_H2
    Dec 26 03:04:13.118 [17074] dbg: config: warning: score set for 
non-existent rule RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_ZBI
    Dec 26 03:04:13.119 [17074] dbg: config: warning: score set for 
non-existent rule RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_L2
    Dec 26 03:04:13.119 [17074] dbg: config: warning: score set for 
non-existent rule HK_NAME_MR_MRS
    Dec 26 03:04:13.119 [17074] dbg: config: warning: score set for 
non-existent rule RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_BL
    Dec 26 03:04:13.119 [17074] dbg: config: warning: score set for 
non-existent rule RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_L4
    Dec 26 03:04:13.120 [17074] dbg: config: warning: score set for 
non-existent rule RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_H5
    Dec 26 03:04:13.120 [17074] dbg: config: warning: score set for 
non-existent rule URIBL_SBL_A
    Dec 26 03:04:13.120 [17074] dbg: config: warning: score set for 
non-existent rule RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_L3

So it looks to me that rules that are not used anymore are deleted,
but there scoring not.

Should the scorings not be deleted also?

Cecil Westerhof
Senior Software Engineer

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