Hey there,

Spamcop has an undocumented feature that they allow you (if they trust you) to "quick report" spam, where you send to a different mail address, and it's reported instantly, without having to hit the web interface. When you do this, you are still free to report spam in the usual way (with the confirm screen) by using your usual reporting-address.

How hard would it be to extend spamassassin's "report" syntax to allow this?

Unfortunately, I'm not seeing a good way to pass config-options to spamd, so that's out. (I suppose this email could be interpreted as a case of "is this useful?").

Running the "report" against spamassassin locally would lose me the other learning (bayes, etc).

Creating an alternate user with the quick-reporting mail address sent is similarly problematic (althouth I *might* be able to do this by playing with the userpref sql query).

I'm open to any other ideas people have come up with.



"this is too stupid even for irc"

-mtreal, EFnet #macintosh, 09/15/2K, 12:33 AM

--------Dan Mahoney--------
Techie,  Sysadmin,  WebGeek
Gushi on efnet/undernet IRC
ICQ: 13735144   AIM: LarpGM
Site:  http://www.gushi.org

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