On Fri, 2013-03-01 at 15:38 +0000, Scott Ostrander wrote:
> Would someone put some samples of Yahoo single link spam on PasteBin.
> I am trying to test my rules and I seem to be missing some of the variations.
Here's an example: it is the message I developed the following rule
against: http://pastebin.com/VRvtDfER

I've obfuscated all e-mail addresses in it and verified that my rule
catches the obfuscated version.  The rule is this:

describe MG_YAHOO_FS Yahoo message-ID but not From: yahoo
header   __MG_YAHFS1 Message-id =~ /yahoo\.com>$/
header   __MG_YAHFS2 From =~ /yahoo\.(com|co\.uk)/
meta     MG_YAHOO_FS (__MG_YAHFS1 && ! __MG_YAHFS2)
score    MG_YAHOO_FS 50

as I said previously, the apparently excessive score is needed to
override the score that my auto-whitelister applies to sender addresses
I've previously sent mail to: so far all messages I've had of this type
have had forged senders that I've previously corresponded with.


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