On Wed, 2013-03-06 at 15:53 +0100, Simon Loewenthal wrote:
> Hi KAM and AxB, 
>  The system is a small low cost VM. The provider
> (for some reason) only offers to move the server to a new box, instead
> of adding an extra half gig, which is pretty poor. I don't have the time
> to spare for such a move for the moment. Yep - It's 64bit : amd64.
Just a thought:

It would be interesting to see, for a lowish mail volume,  how well
spamd would run on a headless RaspberryPi Model B. Its hard to think of
a cheaper bit of kit to use. The current model Bs have 512MB of RAM, and
work well when run headless. There are instructions available that
detail how to configure a new RPi/B's SD card for headless operation
before you boot it for the first time. Perl 5.14 is included in the
standard RPi Debian distro.

Up to the start of last year I was managing perfectly well with spamd on
a 512Mb 866MHz P3 box running Fedora, where it got to share memory with
Apache, Postgres, Postfix, getmail and Dovecot plus a fair development
load, so I reckon that it should be fine on a 1GHz Rpi with the same
sized memory.


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