On Thu, 2013-03-28 at 14:27 -0700, psychobyte wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm on gentoo using SA-3.3.1. on startup only, the spamd service takes over
> 3 minutes to startup.  I was able to log the startup log which outputs
> this(below).  It results is some errors but, don't see why it would hang for
> 3 minutues. Anyone have any hints as to why it would hang?
There's not really enough info shown in your log to localise the
problem. Try running "spamassassin --lint -D 2>&1 | less" as root or 
"sudo spamassassin --lint -D 2>&1 | less" from your usual user. That
should provide enough detail to localise your problem(s).

How long does it normally take and how fast is your host, i.e. what CPU
does it use and how much RAM has it got?


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