On Fri, 2013-04-26 at 16:04 -0400, Andrew Talbot wrote:
> Martin -
> Interesting. How many mailboxes does your deployment cover?
Effectively one. 

I said I was a small setup: I run a personal system, organised as a
house server, which accepts all incoming mail and only runs SA against
the incoming stream, with some other boxes on the LAN. These send
outbound mail via the house server.

The central MTA (Postfix on the house server) sends all messages it
receives to a single mailbox, which Dovecot makes available to other
hosts on the LAN, and also BCCs them to a mail archive. This, a Postgres
DB, also acts as as an automatic whitelister: SA runs a query against it
that whitelists any address I've sent mail to.

I realise my setup is almost entirely unlike yours, but there seem to be
some common requirements. However, as always, the devil is in the detail
and my implementation may well fail at your volumes.

Question to JH: I can see that portmanteau rules on high volume sites
would benefit from the (?=x) optimisation, but so would a lot of rules
that use regexes containing alternations. So, is there any possibility
of slotting it into the SA rule compiler rather than me implementing it
as part of my portmanteau rule generator when doing the latter would
limit its use to a subset of rules that might benefit. 


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