On Mon, 2013-05-13 at 17:40 -0500, Bill Polhemus wrote:
> If this isn't the correct place for this, please excuse the faux pas. 
> I've added a couple of network ranges covering "known good" networks
> like places of work, to the -i option for spamass-milter. 
> The spamass-milter man-page says this will cause sa-m to "ignore
> messages if the originating IP" is in that list.
> Any way to get it to look at the ACTUAL originating address?
First off, I endorse Robert's recommendation to use getmail rather than
fetchmail. Its less buggy, doesn't have the same tendency to leave read
but undeleted messages in your ISP's mailbox that its getting mail from
and the MDA pipeline/script you're using with fetchmail will work with
getmail with no modifications needed.

As to the letting SA check the origination addresses, my setup looks
like this:

internal_networks    192.168.7/24

trusted_networks     192.168.7/24
trusted_networks     IPs.of.my_ISP's.mail_servers

All my local hosts are in the subnet. 

Your ISP's mail server(s) should included as part of your trusted
network because they do not originate spam, though spam from, e.g. other
users of the SAME ISP, may do so. By including the ISP's mail servers in
trusted networks you're telling SA to examine the addresses one hop
further out than them, which is what you want.



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