On Sun, 2013-09-15 at 06:48 +0000, haman...@t-online.de wrote:
> >> Hi Guys,
> >> 
> >> This may sound a basic questions but would like to know under what
> >> circumstances one should use IMAP/POP3 Anti Spam services? I do have AS for
> >> SMTP and is blokcing well but would like to know what consequences it would
> >> cause if I enable or disable the Pop3/imap Anti Spam settings.
> >> 
> >> Does Spamassassin by default provides POP3/IMAP scanning and if yes how
> >> would I enable or disable it
> >> 
> >> Thanks.
> >> 
> Hi,
> I receive mails into a few boxes that are not filtered. So I have a setup 
> that uses fetchmail
> to pickup these mails and feed them into a local imap service. SA is called 
> just prior to
> delivering mail into the inbox
I do something similar except that I replaced fetchmail with getmail. I
find that, unlike fetchmail, getmail doesn't cause already read messages
to accumulate in the source mailbox. I developed my current MDA script
for fetchmail and then found that getmail was able to use it without any

My MDA script runs spamc to classify incoming messages as spam or ham
and then deals with it as appropriate. Spam is quarantined. Ham is piped
into sendmail for delivery to my MTA (Postfix). A separate cron job
deletes spam after 7 days.


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