
> loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::ResourceLimits
> resource_limit_mem 268435456

Why do you limit the available memory to 256 MB? Do you still see spamd
children dieing with that plugin and limit commented out?

I am going to test, a) incrementing to 1024MB, b) disabling this lines... ;)

Fat-fingered copy-n-paste or editing? There is not really a line with a
single zero in your conf, is it?

Yes... matter of copy/paste...... it is just at the same line... conf is right, no problem with that ;)

> skip_rbl_checks 1

You really do mean to disable (skip) RBL checks? Why?

Because I am executing rblchecks my way at EXIM ACLs.... executing twice along with SA is not necessary... I have adjusted all my scores to my situation.

> Nov 29 15:52:28 hyperserver spamd[34416]: prefork: child states: BIIIII

Something is fishy here. Given your explicit max-children 4 option,
there should never be 6 children.

Have done several tests... I tried to set 10 max-children just to test, with minimum-spare 8... but the same result.. the problem and the fact, is the child is dying, doesnt matter the number of children spamd has configured.

> # wc -l whitelistfile
> 127049 whitelistfile
> # du -hs whitelistfile
> 4,7M    whitelistfile

That's huge and rather excessive for whitelisting configuration. Are
there really 100k+ options, or does that include empty lines and

No... each line, is a mail address..

What conf does it contain: whitelist_* options, or other styles of

Do not understand your question... mmmm... the whitelist is just for "whitelist_from" values for SA... and included at local.cf...

Now I have reduced to 127000 addresses, but I can tell you I were running almost 170000 rules without this problem time ago..

Do you still see spamd children dieing without including that file, or
at least drastically shortening it to the absolute necessary?

Not tested... I am trying first adjusting that memory limit from cpanel at local.cf and if the problem continues, will quit temporaly this whitelist to see..

The whitelist is created every night from bash scripting and mysql database... it contains the: a) destinations from real emails sended from the server daily b) emails whitelisted because users did include them...

Each registry has a expiration date at mysql, so the whitelist is created dynamically..

THANKS SO MUCH.. will answer soon.

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