On Wed, 21 May 2014 22:26:41 +0200
Karsten Bräckelmann <guent...@rudersport.de> wrote:

Karsten> Seriously, the above rule, the shorter /\n{10}/, as well as the
Karsten> variant posted by John without quantifier do exactly what you
Karsten> asked for. They match 10 consecutive \n newline chars in the
Karsten> rawbody.

Ok, thanks for the improvements.

Karsten> The test message does not have that string. Maybe it uses DOS
Karsten> flavor "\r\n". Or what appears to be a bunch of linebreaks
Karsten> actually has spaces mixed in.

Well, no.  I looked at the message (the same data I fed to s.a. --debug)
with hexdump -C.  It definitely has 10 consecutive 0a's.

For rawbody rules, is really _the whole_ body fed to the matcher at once?

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