On 9/10/2014 8:56 AM, M. Rodrigo Monteiro wrote:
Hi. Here is my scenario:

Internet -> MX (Postfix) -> Relay (Postfix + Amavis with SpamAssassin) -> Zimbra

In SpamAssassin, I have a whitelist/blacklist. All the e-mail passes
through, but Spams are taged (header and subject).

My problem is that when an e-mail comes to multiple destinations and
one of them is whitelisted, all these destinations becomes whitelisted

In the real example below, the e-mail cs...@mydomain.com is
whitelisted (-200 score). An unique e-mail (spam) comes to 20, 30
destinations and one of them is cs...@mydomain.com. All the
destinations were whitelisted (-200 score).

Here is the header of one e-mail and the log of Postfix.
This behavior is SpamAssassin or Amavisd-new?
The behavior is Amavis. You need to look at settings (if Amavis can do it) or a glue like MIMEDefang that can do stream by domain or stream by recipient type solutions to separate the one email into multiple emails for individualized test and scoring.

My understanding is that this will negate your ability to decline spam during the SMTP connection, though.


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