On 16 Feb 2015, at 02:38 , Reindl Harald <h.rei...@thelounge.net> wrote:
> Am 16.02.2015 um 10:32 schrieb LuKreme:
>> I have several local domains that resolve (via virtual) to local users in 
>> addition to virtual domains that resolve to sql users.
>> with spamass-milter, these secondary local domains (like kreme.com) fail to 
>> find the user:
>> spamd: handle_user (userdir) unable to find user: 'krem...@kreme.com’
> you must have a strange setup

Yes, it sort of grew that way over time as I started with only local users many 
years ago even as I added domains before switching new domains over to a SQL 
setup. I suppose I should move all the accounts to SQL but there are several 
issues with that on some accounts.

> normally the milter uses a global bayes and settings living in the 
> milter-users home (given the milter service and spamd are running as the same 
> users) and hence it don't need to know anything about users

Well, it is using -u and e flags to process the mail as the user, but when it 
checks for the user ‘krem...@kreme.com’ it can’t find it, because the user is 
‘kremels’. The SQL users show up just fine.

> postfix needs to know and would reject non existing email long before the 
> milter and milters job is just pass or reject messages

These are real users. It’s just that spamass-milter is only setup to look at 
one local domain and assumes that all other users will be u...@domain.tld.

Basically, the milter runs before the virtual expansion done by postfix. If I 
could run the milter after postfix checked virtual there wouldn’t be an issue, 
but I suspect that the virtual check is considerably later in the transaction 
phase and that I can’t change that ordering.

'I cannot! He has been kindness itself to me!' 'And you can be Death
itself to him.'

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