On 2015-07-15 20:12 +0000, Zinski, Steve wrote:

> We're starting to see a lot of spam in the 800KB to 1.2MB size
> range. I’m running MIMEdefang and it’s configured to skip messages
> larger than 100KB (and I hesitate to increase the limit due to
> performance issues). I read somewhere that there’s a way to have
> MIMEdefang (or spamassassin) strip out the non-text portions of the
> e-mail and scan. Can anyone help me set this up or point me in the
> right direction? Thanks!

Yes, I see the same thing.  I have no doubt at all that it is
intentional, to defeat spamc size limit in particular.

Moreover, mimedefang won't help because at least some of them are
disguised as plain text messages.  That is, the outermost message body
is an entire MIME message, headers and all.

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