Is this line in your "" file? (And is it in the correct place?)

allow_user_rules 1


On 2015-09-09 04:47, Marc Richter wrote:
Hi jdow,
hi Matus,

thanks for your replies.

Regardless if it's necessary or not, I have done so. It also happens regularly
by cron (all 3 hours), along with other jobs like sa-learn, sa-update and

 > On 09.09.2015 11:12 Matus wrote:
 > have you tried running spamassassin -D ? maybe there's somethign
 > invalid in SA's configuration or your user_prefs

When I issue "spamassassin --test-mode -D" as the user the - runs as,
I get this in the long output:

dbg: config: read file /var/lib/spamassassin/.spamassassin/user_prefs

So, it tries to read the user_prefs from the daemon's home, what is clear,
because it cannot know what user the file "belongs" to, in test-mode.
When I run that as the user (ww) the mail and desired user_prefs belongs to, it
works, so no use in that.

How can I make use of the "-D" cmdline option in the normal mail-flow in a way
it gets logged by journald? Can I simply add "-D" to the script and it
get's caught in journald's database?

How else can I test this?

Sorry if I'm slow in understanding atm ...

Best regards,

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