On 13 Oct 2015, at 16:04, Larry Goldman wrote:

Point me to the documentation of the SpamAssassin framework.

You mentioned being a Mac user so in addition to the website Dianne pointed you to or manually installing from the SA source tarball, you can get a working installation with all of the embedded documentation (which is fairly good and complete) via MacPorts (& probably Homebrew as well) or by shelling out the $29 that Apple is now charging for the "Server" application package. It is the norm for Perl frameworks to have embedded 'pod' documentation, so if you have shell access on a box with SA installed, the docs are just a 'perldoc' command away and often also have been converted to 'man' pages.

Where are rules documented?

To the degree that they are (which varies) they are documented in the rules files themselves, which

What are the current rules?

The canonical means of getting the current rules files is the 'sa-update' tool, which finds the current mirrors and rules revision dynamically, downloads the latest released tarball, and verifies their authenticity using GPG. The basis of the canonical current rule set can be seen at http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/spamassassin/trunk/rules/ which can be checked out using Subversion from http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/spamassassin/trunk/rules.

Describe, in detail, the new SA technology which fights abuse of new TLDs.

Prior to v3.4.1, the mechanism for detecting and parsing hostnames to identify body URIs used an embedded array of hardcoded domains in Mail/SpamAssassin/Util/RegistrarBoundaries.pm. This resulted in many URIs in the new TLDs not being detected and filtered as URIs. In v3.4.1 there is the new Mail/SpamAssassin/RegistryBoundaries.pm and the file 20_aux_tlds.cf in the canonical rules set which now contains a comprehensive maintained list of TLDs and other registry-managed domains.

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