On 12/29/2015 4:29 PM, Philip Prindeville wrote:
On Dec 29, 2015, at 2:14 PM, Kevin A. McGrail <kmcgr...@pccc.com> wrote:

On 12/29/2015 3:46 PM, Philip Prindeville wrote:
On Dec 29, 2015, at 1:42 PM, Kevin A. McGrail <kmcgr...@pccc.com> wrote:

On 12/29/2015 3:38 PM, Philip Prindeville wrote:
Is there a reason that headers are left with leading spaces?

I’ve noticed that I have to write rules as:

Subject =~ /^ Great [Jj]ob [Oo]pportunity/

because of the leading space…
I'm at a complete loss.  I add plenty of Subject rules with no leading space.  
Never seen this issue.
I had some rules which weren’t firing so I had to change to /^ .../ or else /^ 
?.../ to make them match.

Not sure why.

This is with SA 3.4.1 on Fedora 21.

What's the original Subject header look like from the original mail?


This was a while ago.  I’d have to go back and look.  Maybe this one?

Subject: [IDN][#2056301] CareerBuilder: Open position for you
OK, I was thinking perhaps an alternate charset or something but never run into this issue.

If you are anchoring your Subject searches, allowing for whitespace, etc. is a decent idea though from Reindl.


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