On May 18, 2016, at 9:06 PM, Dan Mahoney, System Admin <d...@prime.gushi.org> 
> We have a couple of user accounts (really, role aliases) that need a 
> different required_score from our global defaults.  Since they're role 
> accounts, they don't have a homedir.  We're using a milter that passes the 
> whole username (including domain name) along, anyway.
> Is there a dead-simple way to make this work using only the config files, or 
> do I have to go to the trouble of setting up all of mysql just to make this 
> happen?

Set your default required_score at the level your role accounts need and then 
change that default for accounts that have home directories?

"One of the great tragedies of life is the murder of a beautiful theory
by a gang of brutal facts." - Benjamin Franklin

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