On 17/06/16 13:42, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 17.06.2016 um 14:29 schrieb Sebastian Arcus:
On 17/06/16 00:03, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 16.06.2016 um 19:46 schrieb Sebastian Arcus:
I have a particular server running spamd which uses bayes every time I
test it by hand, but apparently never when it goes through exim/spamd

then you need to run it as the correct user or train it as the correct

Thank you for the suggestion. There is no training involved, and
auto-learn is switched off in local.cf

how do you imagine bayes working then?

These are bayes databases from another server - any training happens there - so training and auto-learning is disabled on this particular server.

Site-wide bayes files are owned
by spamd. Regarding the daemon, it is started with --socketowner=spamd
and socketpath=spamd. Is this enough, or should it be actually started
with "su" as "spamd" user?

"socketpath=spamd" sounds idiotic, hpwever for a site-wide setup there
is no point in start it as root instead directly as the correct user,
see below, can#t say anything about "su" in service files since i don't
touch sysvinit for 5 years now

That is probably so - I've taken another look at my startup scripts, and I have to say it feels like I've been tying myself in knots with --socketowner and --socketgroup and --username. I was thinking that for my setup using:

--username=spamd --socketownder=exim --socketgroup=exim

might be the most suitable. Is it better to run it instead with


and not bother with setting owner and group for the socket?

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