Am 29.06.2016 um 12:35 schrieb Olivier:
Reindl Harald <> writes:
Am 29.06.2016 um 06:45 schrieb Olivier:
Though I have devised a mechanism to generate these blacklists,  I am
finding a suitable evaluation metric. It would be great if somebody
give me a dataset of source IP addresses of emails received by your
which have been marked as HAM/SPAM by Spamassassin for the year 2016.

Maybe you need to be a bit more specific in what you need: when you
write "source IP", do you mean the enveloppe? The first Received-by:, the
From hearder?

I think people would be less concerned about privacy if all you ask is
in a form:

list of ham IPs

List of spam IPs

with no name or personnal data attached (the list could even be posted
to pastebin through a proxy :)

he asked *exactly the same* with "dataset of source IP addresses of
emails received" but for a ton of relations you just need that IP and a
PTR combined with whois lookup to get relations one would not want to be

Your milleage may vary, but provided you have a large enough number of
users and you manage to send the corpus anonymously, all information you
give is that somewhere on Internet, a mail server did receive messages
from and from and and also sent you some spam.

forget the big ones - just filter them out and look at the small ones where PTR/Sender is from the same domain, connect it to your destination domains which are easily to find out and voila you have comapny-to-company relations by looking at the business

a nice start for targeted phishings in the wrong hands

The ratio spam/ham may indicate the approximate age of your server; you
may guess my country or my type of business from the ham; but that would
be about all of it. Unless you are engaged in high security activities,
I don't see much of a problem.

Lastly, would expect that Shivram keeps the data private, so it would not
be so much "in public".

waht one expects don't matter when he gives out data related to his users

But I can be corrected

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