On Fri, 29 Jul 2016 21:13:56 +0200
Robert Schetterer <r...@sys4.de> wrote:

> so i.e measure mails tagged as spam by spamassassin
> with pure greylisting setup running before tagging ,perhaps for one
> week, then stop greylisting ,do the same with pure postscreen setup,
> compare results, this way you may given direction if you still need
> greylisting.

See the attached reports.  The first one shows that the vast majority of
greylisted messages are not retried.

The second shows that greylisting stops a pretty high percentage of
messages compared to spam detection (the "Spam" and "Quarantined"
categories) and is therefore an effective technique that can greatly
reduce the processing burden.

The Y-axis indicates messages per hour.



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