Hey all,

I'm seeing google IP ranges hit the RCVD_IN_SORBS_SPAM rule, and in
digging deeper, I realize that there are zero hits on this rule for
the two weeks prior to Aug. 31, and now I'm seeing it thousands of
times per week (not just against google IPs).

Was this rule added/changed/re-scored in a recent sa-update?  I looked
at ruleqa.spamassassin.org, and just at a glance notice that the rule
doesn't seem to be in commits previous to Aug. 30, but I may totally
be reading the site's information wrong.

I've turned the score down to a tiny, but non-zero value for now,
because it seems to be pushing legit emails close (if not over) the
local threshold.

Public key #7BBC68D9 at            |                 Shane Williams
http://pgp.mit.edu/                |      System Admin - UT CompSci
All syllogisms contain three lines |              sha...@shanew.net
Therefore this is not a syllogism  | www.ischool.utexas.edu/~shanew

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