On Mon, 24 Oct 2016, SimpleRezo wrote:

So, to the OP: try the tagmatch plugin to look at where _AWLMEAN_ is
(e.g.) <= -1 and _AWLCOUNT_ is greater than (e.g.) 10 and that may get you
what you want for a meta to use with the rules you want to control.

Thank you Paul & John, it looks like I will be able to achieve what I want
with tagmatch & _AWL* tags !
Paul, will be awesome to be able to do gt/lt (of course for now I can deal
with regexp to achieve this)


I haven't looked at the plugin myself yet, but here's a suggestion: have a mode where you can mark a RE as capturing a numeric value, and the rule's hit value is the value that the RE captured. This would (for example) let the AWL/TXREP mean be captured in a way it could be compared using gt/lt in a meta. Perhaps:

 tagcapnum   __TXREP_IP_MEAN    _TXREP_IP_MEAN_  /^(-?[\d]+(?:\.\d+)?)$/
 describe    TAGMATCH_TXREP_IP_HIGHSCORE   TXRep mean score quite large

(...this sort of thing might be really useful as a general purpose rule type in base SA too...)

 John Hardin KA7OHZ                    http://www.impsec.org/~jhardin/
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