On Sunday 28 May 2017 14:50 CEST, Joe Quinn wrote:

> On 5/28/2017 2:11 AM, Cecil Westerhof wrote:
>> When executing:
>> spamc -L spam <spam_message
>> I get an EX_IOERR error. But no description why I get it. Is there
>> a way to find out what triggers the error?
> It looks like EX_IOERR simply refers to the fact that some process
> exited with status 74. Restart spamd with the -D option so you get
> debugging output, and it should be easier to narrow it down to a
> specific cause.

That gave me:
    spamd: service unavailable: TELL commands are not enabled, set the 
--allow-tell switch.

I added --allow-tell in spamassassin.service and it works.


Cecil Westerhof
Senior Software Engineer
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/cecilwesterhof

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