On Monday 17 July 2017 at 14:25:17, Robert Kudyba wrote:

> > On Jul 14, 2017, at 4:00 AM, Matus UHLAR - fantomas <uh...@fantomas.sk> 
> >> Robert Kudyba <rkud...@fordham.edu> wrote:
> >>> Over the past few days sending mail via SquirrelMail has become
> >>> glacial. The load on the server is under 1. I've restarted the SA,
> >>> sendmail and dovecot processes several times. Here are some logs I can
> >>> provide any settings if desired.
> > 
> > tried to run a message through "spamassassin -D" ?
> > that should give you debug/timing info.
> OK here is the pastebin of spamassassin -D < gtube.txt:
> https://pastebin.com/iZtm2hhy

Jul 16 09:01:42.796 [29903] dbg: dns: entering helper-app run mode
Jul 16 09:01:47.806 [29903] dbg: dns: leaving helper-app run mode
Jul 16 09:01:47.806 [29903] dbg: razor2: razor2 check timed out after 5 


René Descartes walks in to a bar.
The barman asks him "Do you want a drink?"
Descartes says "I think not," and disappears.

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