On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 11:47 AM, Steffen Sledz <sl...@dresearch.de> wrote:
> Ulrich Eckhardt wrote:
>>>  git svn clone -s https://ourserver/repos/openembedded
>> What does 'git svn clone...' do? Can you reproduce the problem with just svn?
> Until the point the error occurs it's just a sequence of
> a few OPTIONS, PROPFIND, and REPORT requests.
> I'm not sure if i can reproduce it with plain svn but i'll
> try.
>> I seem to remember that squid does not work out of the box for Subversion's
>> use of HTTP, you have to enable a few extra commands.
> The squid works fine for a long time on all other requests
> including git-svn on smaller repositories.
>>>  Provider encountered an error while streaming a REPORT
>>>  response.  [400, #0]
>> Smells like a proxy/firewall that refuses to let something pass.
> Hmmmm? I don't think so. As mentioned before the procedure
> works fine on smaller repos. It looks like a size/timeout
> problem.

You could be experiencing a client-side timeout. Svn with neon (which
is the default client-side http access library) has a default timeout
of 30 seconds. If the client doesn't get something within those 30
seconds, it terminates the connection.

You can specify a higher timeout value in the "runtime configuration
area"[1] on the client, in the servers file[2]. E.g. put a line
"http-timeout = 60" in the global section, or in the group that
matches with your server.

[1] http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.advanced.confarea.html


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