On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 11:47 AM, Valentijn Scholten
<valentijn.schol...@isaac.nl> wrote:
> Hello,
> Regularly we’re having issues with working copies that don’t get all updated
> files/folders from the repository.
> Most of the time everything works fine.
> But sometimes when user A commits some new/changed files to the repository,
> other users (say user B), do not get these changes when updating their
> working copy.
> Other changes are pulled in from the repository and applied to the working
> copy, but specific files/folders aren’t.
> The repository itself does show the up-to-date content, and also a fresh
> checkout contains the up-to-date data.
> So there seems to be a problem with the working copy in this case. The
> problem occurs when using the commandline client, subclipse and tortoisesvn.
> Both the server and the working copy are on windows, the server runs behind
> apache.

You should check if you don't have a "sparse working copy" by accident
(see http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.advanced.sparsedirs.html).
To see whether this is the case, check "svn info" for some of the
parent dirs, and see if they have a "Depth: empty" or "Depth:
immediates" on them or something like that (if there is no depth shown
in "svn info", it's the default which is "infinity", which is usually
what you want).

In IntelliJ IDEA there's a bug that, if you create a new package, and
you answer "yes" in the dialog which asks you if you want to add it to
version control immediately, it's added with depth empty (so as a
workaround, you should answer no, and add it afterwards). See

But since you talk about subclipse, I assume you're using Eclipse, so
that's probably not it ...


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