On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 11:29 AM, fida aljounaidi
<fida.aljouna...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 20 August 2010 18:37, Ryan Schmidt <subversion-20...@ryandesign.com>
> wrote:
>> On Aug 20, 2010, at 05:05, fida aljounaidi wrote:
>> > [Fri Aug 20 17:24:08 2010] [error] [client] Commit blocked by
>> > pre-commit hook (exit code 99) with output:\n[Error output could not be
>> > translated from the native locale to UTF-8.]  [409, #165001]
>> What's in your pre-commit hook script?
> Hi
> There are some Branch and tags grammar controls written in Perl language.
> Is there any special things to do with perl scripts?
> Another thing to notice, when i import directory by directory, import
> succeeded. it fails only when i try to commit the whole sources. (3GB).

Sounds familiar. Probably your pre-commit hook is taking too long when
you commit the entire source tree. I had that problem as well, and
took special care to optimize my pre-commit hook, so it can handle
very big commits. SVN itself does not have a problem with very large
commits, but pre-commit hooks (and post-commit hooks) can cause
trouble if they take too long.

For instance, if your pre-commit hook does an "svnlook changed" or
"svnlook dirs-changed", and then does some check for every
path/directory that's being changed, that probably scales linearly
with the amount of files/directories that are part of the commit. If
every check takes 50 ms, and there are 1000 changes, your hook will
take 50 seconds.

If the pre-commit hook takes too long, the client gives up, and
terminates the connection (by default after 30 seconds, I think). You
can increase the client-side timeout [1] to avoid this, or make sure
your pre-commit hook is fast enough.

Alternatively, if this kind of commit is very rare, and you're sure
that it is valid for the pre-commit checks, you can temporarily
disable the pre-commit hook (or part of it, or only if $USER=<you>),
to make it go through. Or commit in pieces, like you did.

It's an interesting exercise for the reader to add some debug/timing
logging to your pre-commit hook, to see how long it takes. See also

(look for http-timeout)

[2] http://svn.haxx.se/users/archive-2010-05/0044.shtml


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