2010/9/10 Vojáček Aleš <avoja...@fblgroup.cz>:
> Hi all,
> Is it possible to set up enable-auto-props = yes and eon styles on server 
> side, or this is possible only on client side?
> I want to set up this on server side, because I do not want to change configs 
> on all clients and I want to be sure, that all clients will set up autoprops 
> correctly for certain files.

Currently that's not possible with SVN. But there is light at the end
of the tunnel :-). See the following entry from the roadmap

Summer 2011 | Release 1.8.0 | repository-dictated config;...

Gut feeling tells me that projected release date is probably not
realistic (but maybe the devs can comment more on that). I expect it
to be several months or up to half a year later. But that's just my
personal guess.


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