On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 9:28 PM, Piers Haken <piers.ha...@4delite.com> wrote:
> As far as i know, two way merge tracking doesn't exist in SVN. The only 
> exception to this is --reintegrate which I guess is two way, but unless I'm 
> mistaken, you can only do it once: you have to blow away the branch once 
> you've reintegrated it.
> We prefer a branch-by-purpose model here, but it's quite painful to use SVN 
> with this since in order to merge changes between the various branches (we 
> have a minimum of 3 active branches) you have to cherry-pick the changes 
> manually. Handling tree-conflicts in this environment is quite frustrating.
> I'm hoping that 1.7 will address much of this...

Hmmm, just to manage some expectations: I wouldn't expect too much
tree-conflict or merge improvements in 1.7. There might be some small
improvements here and there, but the big ones will not be in 1.7.

1.7 is mainly a rewrite of the working copy system (along with other
features/improvements, see http://subversion.apache.org/roadmap.html),
which is absolutely necessary and which is a huge pile of work all by
itself. It will definitely improve the robustness of the working copy,
and will lay the groundwork for a lot of other improvements and new
features. But it will not directly take care of better tree conflict
resolution or merge tracking.

Disclaimer: I am not an SVN developer myself, so I may not be 100%
correct. But I think I'm pretty close (I follow the development
evolutions pretty closely, and the roadmap page pretty much tells it


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