On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 3:18 PM, zhangfan <zhang...@siit-cn.com> wrote:
> Hi All
>          I am using svn1.6.3. I put all source code and documents of our
> team into one repo. It works great for two years until last month. Now when
> I run ‘svn log’ (where is our
> server’s address), svn returns ‘svn: REPORT request failed on
> '/svn/!svn/bc/20890' after returned some log information.
>          Is there anyone know how to handle this? Our server is: Windows2003
> + Apache2.2
>          Thanks for reading this letter,and thanks for any help!

Is the url of the repository still correct? Maybe it was moved
somehow, or there is some kind of connection problem?

Can you try to browse to with a browser?


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