On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 12:51 PM, Z W <mpc8...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All
> We plan to merge from the trunk to a feature branch using --record-only for
> a few revisions numbers.
> Is there a way to unblock a revision number after first using --record-only
> ?

Good question, I'm not sure really.

Try (in a local working copy, no need to commit, but you can verify
the results):

    cd $working-copy-of-featurebranch
    svn propget svn:mergeinfo .
    # Take note of what the mergeinfo looks like ... the revision that
you want to unblock should be listed there (either individually, or as
part of some range).


    svn merge --record-only -c-$REV $SOURCE .
    svn propget svn:mergeinfo .
    # Take note of what the mergeinfo looks like ... the revision that
you want to "unblock" should no longer be present in the mergeinfo.

Note in the merge step above: '-c-$REV' means a negative revision
number (minus the revision), which means that you want to
(record-only) merge the reverse of $REV.

Can you report back the results to the list? I'm curious whether this works.


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