On 05/13/2013 06:23 PM, Andreas Krey wrote:
No, the basic difference is that VCS operating on the whole tree can
only have branches (and thus merge info) on the whole tree either, so
you*can't*  go like subversion does and map branches into the tree and
need to have them (and tags) as a separate concept.

Compared to how other SCM systems handle tags, subversion also doesn't have tags as a separate concept. Subversion provides a way to pinpoint each commit objectively and unambiguously by specifying specific revisions. The only difference between subversion and other SCM systems is that other systems offer support for labeling and adding useful info to those revisions, while Subversion doesn't.

If you are referring to the ad-hoc method of copying the trunk/branch to a subdirectory then all that you're doing is copying the trunk directory to another directory in your repository. That may be a convenient hack, but that isn't exactly support for tagging.

Let's put it this way: if that was actually a tag then it could also be argued that any file system supports branching/tagging.


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