
Short story: it seems for me, subversion-1.8.0 (and, perhaps, 1.7.0) has broken 
for plaintext password storage.

Long story: I upgraded to 1.8.0, built it under FreeBSD 8.4-STABLE using fresh 
ports collection.
I have local repository and run svnserve to access it. All runs just fine except
"svn" command does not cache plaintext passwords at client's side.

After upgrade, I removed /root/.subversion/ directory and svn recreated it for 
Then, I've edited /root/.subversion/servers to include the following settings
to the [global] section:

store-passwords = yes
store-auth-creds = yes
store-plaintext-passwords = yes

After successful authorization, svn creates new file
starting with lines:

K 8
V 9
K 15

Please note passtype is "gpg-agent", not "simple". I do not have gpg-agent 
nor need it. Of course, password is not cached and svn asks for it every time.
And yes, I need to cache root password. In plaintext. You can assume the whole
file system is encrypted.

Is it a regression in recent subversion or just me doing something wrong?

Please CC: me when replying as I'm not in the list.

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