On Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 2:06 PM, Naumenko, Roman
<roman.naume...@rbccm.com> wrote:
> On 2013/07/08 12:51 PM, Andy Levy wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 11:32 AM, Naumenko, Roman
>> <roman.naume...@rbccm.com> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> How fast would you expect svn checkout to be from a server like one below? 
>>> Considering eveyrthing on the server functioning as expected.
>>> Apache 2.2.3
>>> <svn version=1.7.8 (r1419691)>
>>> 128G mem
>>> 10G
>>> FSFS is local storage.
>> I don't see how this can be answered. There are too many variables to
>> consider. I/O performance, revision history of the items you're
>> checking out, how much data you're checking out, server CPU and I/O
>> performance on the client end all come to mind.
>> Do you have a specific performance concern?
> There are certainly a lot of variables. I'm just trying to find out some
> baseline.
> For example, on one of the other servers it takes 12-13 min to checkout
> repo with ~17000 files, total size 1.2G (with average speed 2MB/s).
> Is it considered good, bad or total disaster in term of svn performance?

I just checked out 2400 files, about 1.7GB, and it took just over 19 minutes.

Client I/O speed is a big factor (7200RPM hard drive w/ NTFS in my case).

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