On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 2:37 AM, Ryan Schmidt
<subversion-20...@ryandesign.com> wrote:

> Should the "GIMP" change its name because (when not referring to the 
> software) that can be a derogatory term? Should "git" change its name because 
> (when not referring to the software) that term can be used as an insult? No. 
> Each project was undoubtedly aware of the usual meaning of the word they 
> chose as their name and decided to repurpose it.

IIRC, people *have* suggested that GIMP get a rename. Someone's
probably suggested it for git as well. And isn't there a (possibly
apocryphal) story about the "blame" (either in CVS or SVN) being
aliased to "annotate" and "praise" because a manager somewhere didn't
like the negative connotation of "blame"?

That said, I agree with everyone here, changing the name on a
13-year-old project is not necessary. I'm sure the name and its
spelling was considered thoroughly before it was selected.

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