Hi Ivan,

On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 12:02 AM, Ivan Zhakov <i...@visualsvn.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 11:14 PM, Ivan Zhakov <i...@visualsvn.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 10:19 PM, Mark Tsuchida <marktsuch...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> The server is running SVN 1.6.11 (CentOS 6.4) with Apache and TLS.
>>> Our repository (let's call it "myrepo") allows public read access (* =
>>> r) to myrepo/trunk, but not to myrepo/ (the root). There is also a
>>> directory myrepo/trunk/secret to which only specific users have access
>>> to.
>>> Everything has been working as expected with SVN 1.6 and 1.7 clients:
>>> in particular, no username or password is requested when checking out
>>> myrepo/trunk.
>>> However, with SVN 1.8.0 and 1.8.1 clients, it is not possible to check
>>> out any directory without supplying the credentials of a user who has
>>> access to the repository root.
>>> svn co https://our.server.com/svn/myrepo/trunk -> Requires
>>> authentication with client 1.8.x but not with 1.6.x or 1.7.x
>>> svn list https://our.server.com/svn/myrepo/trunk -> Works even with 1.8.1
>>> svn list https://our.server.com/svn/myrepo -> Requires auth, as expected
>>> The following is the section of ssl_access_log produced by checking
>>> out myrepo/trunk using client 1.6.18 (OS X):
>>> xx.xx.xx.xx - - [16/Aug/2013:17:36:35 -0700] "OPTIONS
>>> /svn/myrepo/trunk HTTP/1.1" 200 197
>> [...]
>>> /svn/myrepo/!svn/vcc/default HTTP/1.1" 207 420
>>> xx.xx.xx.xx - - [16/Aug/2013:17:36:35 -0700] "PROPFIND
>>> /svn/myrepo/!svn/bln/123 HTTP/1.1" 207 479
>>> And the following is the section of ssl_access_log produced by
>>> checking out myrepo/trunk using client 1.8.1 (TortoiseSVN on Windows
>>> 7):
>>> xx.xx.xx.xx - - [16/Aug/2013:17:34:05 -0700] "OPTIONS
>>> /svn/myrepo/trunk HTTP/1.1" 200 197
>> [...]
>>> xx.xx.xx.xx - - [16/Aug/2013:17:34:06 -0700] "PROPFIND
>>> /svn/myrepo/!svn/bc/123 HTTP/1.1" 401 483
> It should be "403 Forbidden", not "401 Unauthorized". Looks like some
> issue with server configuration.

I can get the server to return 403 Forbidden for
https://our.server.com/svn/myrepo by removing "Require valid-user"
from our Apache config. This does seem to allow the anonymous checkout
of https://our.server.com/svn/myrepo/trunk to succeed. But this also
prevents the client from asking for a password altogether when
checking out e.g. https://our.server.com/svn/myrepo, which is not the
desired behavior.

>>> It appears that the 1.8.1 client requests /svn/myrepo/!svn/bc/123, to
>>> which access is denied (401), whereas client 1.6.18 only ever requests
>>> /svn/myrepo/!svn/bc/123/trunk, to which access is granted.
>> Most likely it is some problem with inherited properties feature
>> implemented in Subversion 1.8.
> The issue doesn't reproduces with server configured for non-anonymous
> access: the server returns 401 Forbidden for PROPFIND request on
> repository root and handled properly by Subversion 1.8 client.

(I assume you meant 403 Forbidden.) Does that still allow checking out
the root by users who do have read permission for the root? Can you
perhaps spot an error in my authz and apache configs (please see my
reply to Daniel)?

Thanks for the help,

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