On Nov 18, 2013, at 9:54 AM, Chris Shelton <cshel...@shelton-family.net> wrote:

> I would suggest looking at the SVN::Notify::Mirror perl module:
> http://search.cpan.org/~jpeacock/SVN-Notify-Mirror-0.040/lib/SVN/Notify/Mirror.pm
> It includes a Perl script that is intended for using within a
> post-commit hook script to perform updates of a working copy after
> each commit.  I have been using it for automated deployment of code
> changes to a test web server for a few years now with generally
> reliable results.

That sort of thing can work for a single developer but what little I have heard 
of the O.P.'s situation I think that solution scares me. A lot of things scare 

First scare is that I often commit unworking or incomplete code when I have 
reached a milestone that deserves a commit and a commit comment. Just because 
someone committed the code doesn't mean its ready to go into production.

Secondly is more of the above. Multiple developers contributing code needs one 
project leader to review everything the others have done and interaction 
between, and make the decision when to tag and send to production. I think you 
are asking for trouble if everyone routinely automatically pushes their work 
out to production without the review of another.

If developers have the problem of not having their own machine capable of 
executing the code then give each developer their own working directory under 
the web server. Make sure everyone understands they have to write 
position-independent code. No hardcoded file paths into their own work only to 
well known system resources.

David Kelly N4HHE, dke...@hiwaay.net
Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

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