> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hunger Tobias [mailto:tobias.hun...@theqtcompany.com]
> Sent: donderdag 27 augustus 2015 15:45
> To: users@subversion.apache.org
> Subject: How to pass a message file in UTF8 encoding to svn commit?
> Hello SVN users list!
> I have a file in UTF8 encoding, containing a couple of non-ASCII
> (Cyrillic mostly, some äüß and such). I know that file to be in UTF8
> Then I am trying to run:
> svn commit --encoding utf8 --file mymsg.txt somefile.cpp
> and I get the following error:
> svn: E000022: Commit failed (details follow):
> svn: E000022: Error normalizing log message to internal format
> svn: E000022: Non-ASCII character (code 195) detected, and unable to
> to/from UTF-8
> Did I set something wrong in --encoding? Or does that not effect --file?
> can I force SVN to treat the file contents as UTF8?

I think at least "UTF-8" as passed value should work.
That encoding name is hardcoded to avoid the entire conversion.

The other values might depend on what iconv settings are used by your
specific client.


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