
I am really confused by how to set an auto-property when I need multiple 
"parameters" to a single property.
When setting svn:auto-props, it seems I can do this:

 *.java = svn:mime-type=text/java;;charset=iso-8859-1;svn:eol-style=LF

That is, use ;; as an escape between the "parameters" for file type and 
charset. Adding a java-file and doing propget gives this:
Which seems to be correct. Right?

Using the exact same line in ~/.subversion/config seems to see "charset" as a 
separate property from "mime-type" and set two different properties on the file 
with "charset" having no meaning. Using svn_apply_autoprops.py on that syntax 
at least gave me those separate props. A quick web search showed someone 
enclosing the entire property in quotes and only using a single semicolon, i.e.:
 *.java = "svn:mime-type=text/java;charset=iso-8859-1";svn:eol-style=LF
Haven't tested this yet and I don't know if it works or not

I can't find anything in the manual 
(http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.advanced.props.html) describing 
what the right separator/escape sequence is for these two and if there's some 
common syntax that can be used for both.
If would have been nice if I could use the exact same syntax for both so I can 
just paste in filetype-part of the config file into the auto-props, but it 
won't kill me if I have to use separate ones, as long as I know how to use it :)

At least for a transition period, I will need to keep the config-file in order 
to run svn_apply_autoprops on files coming in from branches created added 
before we added svn:auto-props (and have wrong props) so I need both working 
and I'm unsure of what the right way for doing this is.


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