The problem is identical on Windows command line, Windows TortoiseSVN,
Ubuntu-Linux, Ubuntu-Linux on Windows, and macOS.  I'm just bad at

On Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 9:09 PM, Nico Kadel-Garcia <> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 10:25 PM, Myria <> wrote:
>> I just found out that the file causing the error from the large commit
>> is not the large file - it's one of the smaller files, about 55 KB.
>> If I commit that single smaller file from the large commit, it errors
>> the same way as the original 227185 would.  This is exactly like the
>> original problem with committing the pixel shader.
>> I managed to get the db/transactions/227184-4vb2.txn directory by
>> breakpointing kernel32!DeleteFileW in TortoiseSVN (so I could get the
>> contents before TortoiseSVN deleted them at failure).  I don't know
>> how they're useful, though.
>> The only way I know how to proceed is to wait until the source code to
>> TortoiseSVN is available so that I can debug it in Visual Studio.  Is
>> there something else I can do?
> Sorry that I've not been paying attention to every detail. Do you see
> the same issues if you use the Subversion from CygWin, which is
> proably a lot easier to recompile?

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