On Sun, May 6, 2018 at 9:38 PM, <hong.zh.zh...@icbc-axa.com> wrote:

> Dear
> We use TortoiseSVN to manage the code,and backup repository with svnsync.
> We backup repository to remonte servicer with svnsync.
> When edit anyone in the remote repository,the remote repository will be
> breakdown and never to be used again.

Never permit this if you expect scnsync to maintain a current copy of the
master repository. This is called "split-brain", and any working copies
from that modified svnsync repository should be considered corrupt.
Unfortunately, tracking down all the working copies can be very difficult,
since even logging on that server doesn't necessarily reveal who and what
made copies, especially local "file:///" based working copies.

We have no idea to revert it only to created a new remote repository.
> Is there any idea to revert the damaged repository ?
> Please  recommend some current ideas for me to backup the repository.

Create an entirely new svnsync based repository from scratch. Discard the
old one, and replace it.

It may be possible to simply delete all recent transactions from the
svnsync copy if you can identify when the inappropriate changes were made
on the new repository, especially if you have a good record of what the
last appropriate committed transaction was. But it's generally not worth
the work, and much safer to make a new svnsync repository from the old

The big risk, I think, is not one that you can solve by fixing the damaged
svnsync repository. It's that you may have corrupted working copies based
on that corrupted svnsync copy. I'd strongly consider discarding whatever
URL you used to use for the old svnsync copy and switching to a new URL, to
help prevent any confusion about what the new valid read-only svnsync
repository is.

Nico Kadel-Garcia

> Hopes your replay.
> Thanks so much.
> *张虹*
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